I can’t say I know any thin people who eat a lot of bad food AND don’t exercise unless they are kids/teenagers/very young adults. That behavior just doesn’t work when you are an adult unless you have a rare metabolism. Also, people I know who are thin and say they either eat a lot or you see them eat a lot at times, they typically in an entire day or week don’t really eat that much. And in my experience, people who are thin and don’t work out usually move their butts around all day long. They might not officially ‘work out’ but they burn calories all day by always being on the move.
Of the overweight people I know who are healthy, they have healthy habits but just have never lost the extra weight that they gained at some point. I think that if they did a strict diet/exercise program to lose the weight and then went back to their normal healthy ways they would maintain. Also, of the ones that I know, I don’t think they are 100% honest about all of their habits. They discount things like alcohol or celebration food. Or, if they exercise or do something active that day, they are absolutely DONE with anything physical for the rest of the day and sit or lay around like they’ve earned that down time. They seem to be mostly sedentary apart from their workouts.
Just my experience. It’s always enlightening to camp with people and see their true habits over several days.