[quote briansd1]
Not so fast… my 80+ yo dad knows how to spend money very well, especially when he travels and takes the ladies out. He’s spending my inheritance, damn it!
Your inheritance is what is left over.. he earned it, you didn’t. You get to spend what you make. If you get inheritance or ‘gifts’.. consider it extra.
a decent bankruptcy would let these people have a future.
They declared bankruptcy several times, only to withdraw the bankruptcy. I suspect they were using this to delay the foreclosure process.
a decent society would let these people cram it down and screw the shylocks not some losers in reno.
And just who would absorb that cram-down? People who acted responsibly with their money? Its gotta come from somewhere! The true ‘shylocks’ were the brokers that hot-potato’d the mortgage and made sure that the got their commission. The holders of the note got screwed because they fronted the cash and only got a percentage back.