Thanks for your time Former..I am relatively new here so you wouldn’t know that I have had issues #2 figured out for a couple of decades.I will look at those to see if the “affordibility” question is answered for me.I have come up with affordabilty at a lower point using these two methods.
Issue #1 is where the clarifications are helpful.I don’t think the down turn will be a slave to traditonal rates of appreciation for support. Let me put it stronger I believe the downturn will ignore completely traditional rates of appreciation for support.Just an opinion of course.
BTW I am happy either way although I feel there is more Justice in prices coming way down.In the self serving dept., near term I have equal opportunity either way in fact maybe more if prices stay higher and rates stay relatively low . I like to use my real estate license to help people make good investments so I kind of miss that. It’s a mixed bag.