Regardless of whether you are in favor or opposed to the library, you should take a hard look at the way this is being spun. Contrast this article to an article the UT ran about building the chargers a new stadium
Where in the stadium article are the complaints about how the city is going bankrupt and can’t afford this? Notice that the stadium would put the city on the hook for 500 million whereas the library is significantly less.
Notice that this library article casually references the charger’s ticket deal, as if there is some link or similarity between this library plan and the charger’s ticket deal, but that article for the stadium doesn’t mention the charger’s ticket deal at all.
Note also that in this article (and in others I’ve seen in the UT) that they stress the concept that if the donors pull out the city will be on the hook, but none of the stadium articles ever bring up the same issue, if the charger’s renig on their deal the city will be screwed.
I find it really amazing that this kind of spun story is the norm for what passes as journalism in this day and age. Is it any wonder people are abandoning newspapers and going with bloggers?