sigh….have read the board going on many years. never felt the urge to post until now. fear mongering to perpetuate nonsense. no factual based information, not interested in promoting some attempt at ‘rational’ discussion.
Dog Bite studies to date hold little-to-no relevance. Scanning classified ads, ‘news’ reports and websites does not constitute as a study. The number of four-legged canines which reside in the USA is unknown, although of course they are estimates. DNA testing is no where near 100% accurate. The nearly unimaginable number of unregulated breeding and inbreeding presents a muddled picture of ungatherable data. Many other factors too long to list as why dog bite statistics are bunk.
Aggression is a behavior. Behavior is learned. Behavior is a response to outside stimuli. No human or canine is born to kill. No human or canine is bred to kill. The idea a ‘pit bull’ is alien to such concrete evidence and data, is absurd. Those who believe such nonsense, should take a hard look in the mirror. Breeding for a predisposition does not guarantee behavior, i.e. a male and female human are tenacious business people, so they breed to pop out offspring who run fortune 500 companies.
Canines inflicting damage upon humans and fellow canines, is an insolvable event as whole. Again, behavior IS learned. But just as human miscreants will roam the earth no matter the learning and government legislation, even ‘properly’ raised and cared for animals-human included-have within them the ability to act, even for an instance, outside of their given temperament inexplicably. In other problematic events the human/canine relationship is a beautiful marriage that is either not taken seriously or the given individual doesn’t have the capability to understand and act accordingly. In both instances, law will change nothing, each fall under unpreventable human error.
SO in short, the original poster is responsible for following animal control laws, and if not, such as allowing a puppy to run public streets free where not permissible, then should an event take place, the owner will deal with issues–legal, stares– accordingly.