[quote=briansd1]haha. yeah, sdrealtor, I’ve seen some neighborhoods like that.
I have a pilot friend who recently bought a studio in Center City near the Convention Center for $85,000. 350sf w/ 300 HOA. Expensive for just a room, but still not bad compared to SD.
http://springartspoint.com/pricing.asp http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=623+N.+10th+St.,+Philadelphia,+PA+19123&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=33.847644,81.914062&ie=UTF8&ll=39.973174,-75.149918&spn=0.007993,0.019999&z=14&iwloc=addr&source=embed[/quote]
The rule of thumb that I had explained to me – if it’s more than 50 years old and has no HOA’s it’s a row-house, not a townhouse. You want a townhouse – go to Horsham, or Wallingford, or any of the other suburbs – you’ll see townhouses – complete with HOAs…
On the first link… Girard is a dividing line between the cool area (art museum area) and North Philly (aka “hood”). My old roommate almost bought a place on Girard – about 2 blocks from that listing (almost at the Girard College). She knew a downside was the being on the very edge of “good neighborhood”. Pluses were being walkable to the museum, restaurants, the fabulous North Star Bar (check it out – very cool place to see music.) The house was fully fixed up and listed for $85k in 1995. The listing you show is partially restored and missing things like a finished bathroom. It’s $100k more for less of a livable place.
If nothing else – in your many visits check out the North Star. I saw El Vez there – one of the best shows ever!!!! (I’ve seen El Vez in 4 states over 20 years – first saw him at the old Spirit club.) North Star and the Khyber are Philly institutions.