[quote=SD Realtor] . . . In fact I stopped going awhile ago as I am on the computer instructing our runner when she is at the auction rather then going. It is much easier and I can be much more productive comping the properties that day rather then comping a hundred properties the night before. You see what I am saying?[/quote]
SDRealtor, yes I do, and I know that the volume now is 10 – 20 times what it was in the eighties, when I was a runner for a local C,D paper “loan hypothecator” in my “spare” time. Of course, there were no personal computers and no cell phones then. However, many liens such as child support, abstracts of judgment, FTB and IRS liens, for example, are SENIOR to the trust deed being foreclosed upon. You can’t know this without a preliminary title report – a property profile may not show some or all of it. How can you know all this prior to placing a bid at the 11th hr., just based on comps? What about back taxes and HOA? And do you consider the tax entities pesky 120-day “right of redemption,” even if junior to the foreclosing TD? What if at least one HOA lien was filed BEFORE the foreclosing trust deed? Did any of your people actually see the outside of the property (and half the BY falling down the canyon into concrete rubble) or notice the back 3000 sf of the property is continually underwater (not uncommon, btw)? Or just take the “Plat Map” at face value?? Do you know that there is high-power lines (SDGE easement) directly over the backyard with giant glass-pack fuses or a six-foot high green SDGE box encroaching on the driveway?? Or that 24 of the neighbor’s mailboxes are on a pole at the edge of the subject’s driveway. I’m sorry, I don’t see how your “comping on the computer” during the sale is actually “due diligence.” There are parts of SD with water and sewer pipes still above the ground – nothing that tons of fill dirt can’t fix. I’m being dramatic here, but I’ve seen a LOT in my day. Please enlighten me. Thx.