I am sort of in the same boat. Very frugal keep my expenses low and tons of cash at the monent because we don’t have a mortgage. Additionally I have fixed Student loan rate in the 2% range. I personally feel that I am better off building up my cash reserve for a future puchase than paying off muy student loan. Additionally I am earning better than 5% in money market account so to me every dollar I pay on the student loan is costing me 2.5% compared to what I could have earned risk free. With a family I also like the Loan Forgiveness option in the event of my death or permanent disability. Had I payed back my loan and croaked they would spit on my grave. Before using a deferment or forbearance you want to see if you would fofit any rate reduction for on time payments. I contacted my lender and I do not. Again, it’s good to know you ahve options.