[quote=SD Realtor]Fifth, Bill did you stop making payments because of a hardship? Did you lose your job? Did you suffer some medical hardship? Were you defrauded by somebody? Did something happen to you that severely reduced your cash flow? Can you explain exactly why you stopped paying?[/quote]Because I felt like it and it is well within my rights under the purchase agreement. My number one priority as the CEO of myself is to maximize my shareholders’ wealth. Didn’t you get the memo? Corporations are people now, and we’re all individual corporations.
I figured that posting my experience here would bother some but I didn’t realize people like you and Swine Flu would be such little bitches about it. This is getting boring, have fun telling other people how to live their lives.[/quote]
It is good to hear what’s actually happening out there. For those like myself and SDR (and a few others) who don’t really like the idea of having less careful and less responsible people getting rewards for their behavior, paid for by people like us, it is very trying to see their actions and their attitude.
When next we hear that poor unfortunate homeowners need to be bailed out with another trillion dollars of our money, we will be that much less sympathetic. Of course, we will be outvoted, but we will be less sympathetic, maybe even completely unsympathetic.