i think on weekends, a lot of people jus go to look at houses for fun. maybe to think about buying, maybe to get decorating ideas, maybe they just like looking.
my wife and i looked at hosues for almost two years before we bought first time around….
we still go look fromt ime to time just to see what theprice sheets say – have they changed – and to get decorating ideas. 🙂 we’ve looked at a LOT of new developments, most of the time wtih NO intention of buying anything. we look like peole who can buy – walk in nicely dressed, pulled up in a nie car – they probably think we are potential buyers – and we aren’t.
i wonder though – at the more $$$ places – you probably have more people who can and will buy. the low priced places lost their subprime borrowers….but milli9on dollar places still have customers..maybe a few less than before, bu the “core” buyers who buy these places aren’t doing ARMs… just my guess.