I think this is potentially bad news for both parties… Under the system, prior to this ruling, candidates were beholden to the party bosses in order to get funds for their house or senate campaigns. Now they can blow off the DNC or GOP and align with corporations… They’ll serve the needs of the corporations and not the parties.
I think this is bad for small business – they can’t play at the level of the big boys and will probably see legislation coming out that favors the big corporations at their expense.
It’s ironic that corporations already had the right to make and pay for the airing of commercials, independent of a candidates campaign… This is how PACs do it. And corporations and individuals have been able to do this as well… This supreme court case was based on a 90 minute film: “Hillary: The Movie”. If the makers had PAID to air it, it would have been legal. But they tried to air it as entertainment and charge for it. If they’d aired it as an infomercial it would have been perfectly legal.