Just to clarify…
In no way did I mean to imply that one should only invest in the Fortune 100. I’ve been about 50% in international over the last couple of years.
jg, I fail to understand how the link you posted contradicts what I was saying. There is plenty of growth on that S&P chart. I did not state an earnings growth number, nor did I say that earnings would be as easily had for all companies in all sectors. I simly stated that there’s still good money to be made in some sectors, and that’s pretty well reflected in that chart.
Now, on the other hand, you have predicted that Goldman and Morgan will be eating humble pie. If our definition of humble pie is getting a 2007 Christmas bonus that is smaller than 2006, well then yes, they may very well be getting humble pie. If your definition of humble pie is suffering the same fate as LTCM, well then I believe you are quite mistaken. LTCM was about as close to a one-trick pony as you can get. It is ridiculous to equate LTCM’s risk profile with the risk profile for a Goldman or Morgan.