There are so many questions surrounding this bail out..
Who will qualify for a bail out?
Do you even need a job to qualify?
How does one apply for a bail out?
What new agency will determine and organize the bailing out?
Who will fund the new bureaucracy dedicated to the bail outs?
Do only sub-prime loans qualify?
What about alt-a, traditional, etc mortgages?
Does an idiot that re-fied with a sub-prime loan, then bought cars, pools, etc qualify for the bail out?
Do investors that purchased a second home qualify for a bail out?
How much money will they get? A percentage, a fixed amount… will it be taxable?
How much further into debt will this put our country into?
How much higher are the taxes going to be raised to fund the bail out?
How many times will a household get bailed out? Chances are good that they will need to be bailed out more than once.
Is there a time period from which your loan had to have been originated in to qualify?
How long will it take to get the bail out program up and running and the first bail out is given?
Do people who have already foreclosed qualify for a bail out?
I see numerous law suits regarding who gets the hand outs and who doesn’t if this goes through.
These are some of the obvious questions regarding this ridiculous proposal.
“hundreds of millions of dollars of new federal aid may be needed to assist homeowners at risk of foreclosure.”
Does any homeowner that needs assistance with their mortgage deserve a bail out? All of a sudden everyone in America is struggling to pay their mortgages and thus they sign up for the bail out. I’ll take some of the tax payers money over here please…