I think the overpaid card can be applied to alot of professions. I know a plumber who works for the city of San Diego who makes over 100k. I call my attorney and ask for a simple letter and it costs 150 bucks. I know countless directors at large firms who pull over 200k. I know countless guys who have been from one failed startup to another and are just retreads who make money hand over fist… Check into how much money the orange vested guys who sit on the asphalt trucks eating a donut while you sit in traffic make.
I think the argument can be expanded in a big way. Do I think teachers are overpaid? Well I guess it can be argued yes… however I think it can be extended to alot of other “professions”.
Maybe it is because I have kids and when you have kids you start to think in a different manner and you start to place value on those who influence your kids… maybe not.. .I don’t know… it is just different thats all. Back in the day when I was a guy writing code with no kids the world revolved around me. I was smart and my coworkers were smart and I viewed most other people in other professions either as morons or as people who couldn’t hack what I could do. They couldnt achieve the degree I had and they certainly couldn’t keep up with me writing code or designing ASICs…To me accountants and economists were failed engineers, doctors and bio guys were engineers in a different field, everyone else was someone who couldnt do what I accomplished. Maybe it was just me… probably was…
Things started to change when my wife opened her small biz and then when I opened my brokerage in 03 and started meeting alot of people from what I call the real world. Wildly successful people who took risks and some made it and some didnt…
Anyways sorry for the deviation… to me alot of people are overpaid… even realtors.