Summed up: “Marriage is an unnatural act that is socially desirable.”
My favorite quote from the bottom: “A bachelor is a selfish, undeserving guy who has cheated some woman out of a divorce.” – Don Quinn[/quote]
I think an interesting question to anyone who was ever married at least once, would be, Whether or not you married the wrong person do you wish you never had gotten married to anyone? If you had it to do again would you probably marry or at least form a bond that seemed unbreakable for a period of time, or never marry or form that bond? I think most would say they would probably marry. Not sure, but I think most divoriced people do marry again. Does that mean that as awful as it can be, it is better than the alternative for most mortals? Maybe feeling joined at the hip and haveing sex has as more value in human experience(peak experience?) then having just the sex. Was anything really memorable or ‘peak” about the “flings” or will it be the next time? Maybe for some people. I think ladder theory would say not, because if it were that easy to be casual the person was not that high up your ladder. In other words if you haven’t been in a commited relationship IE something like marriage than you are on the lower rungs.