tell me how I have quite a few i think they want it in HTMl which im not sure of .. i await your instructions thanks
Ps Youre not sure what a Ferrari is ,?, THen you would not enjoy it. Sorry
Man that shovel must be heavy..
There is a menu item right under the comment entry box labeled “Add image”. Now I know that you know how to use the comment entry box because you have been using it for quite a few posts… and you had to have read right through the “Add image” section to hit the “Save” or “Preview” buttons.
So how about that Ferrari.. You were the one who made the boast.. btw check your spelling on your post here, where you called it a “Ferrai”.. whatever that is.
BTW, chupee, your writing here .. quoted
I have to say as i didnt read the end of your charming note that i actually am a huge fan of extoic cars and I just recieved a beautiful Ferrai from New York 3 weeks ago so youre were pretty close on that one.
Your phraseology is wrong and indicates that you are shoveling it (and two spelling errors too). If you had really purchased a Ferrari and had it shipped.. you would have taken delivery of it from the shipper or expediter. Your wording indicates that you would like to ‘receive’ a Ferrari, but you are quite unable to pay for it, have it shipped, and take delivery of the vehicle.