Nothing in print is binding. The bill will be totally porked up before it ever becomes law even if it is passed and a lot of the blue dogs are scared $hitless over the possibility of having to work for a living. They are all afraid of the back lash from the taxpayers. Unemployment is much higher than reported, California is bleeding red ink and this legislative boondoggle is nothing more than a power grab. All but the most ardent Marxist on Piggington’s get it and finally, none of it is about helping the poor. If it was there would be some tax relief, not VAT as proposed by that moron Pelosi. The only ones that will do well here are the very rich, who can go elsewhere for what they need, the very poor who will always be cared for here (until the revolution when they will resort to canibalism) and the corportate insurers who will become even wealthier when the uninsured by choice are force by fiat to get insurance. This disaster brought to you by well meaning ninnies in Congress! Choice and competition.