Submitted by partypup on August 30, 2009 – 6:46pm
I wasn’t sure if I was reading this correctly at first, but it really seems to be the case: this is the end of America’s era in space.
Partypup–are you kidding me? End of American’s era in space? Have you not heard about the international space station? American is on that!
Have you not heard about Spirit and Opportunity? The rovers on Mars–we are doing that.
Have you not heard about LRO/LCROSS? American is doing that. (really cool pictures of the Apollo landing sites were you can see the astronauts’ foot trails)
Have you not heard about the planned man mission to the moon? America is doing that.
Have you not heard about the Ares Rocket? America is doing that.
Have you not heard about the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle? American is doing that too.
Having been through the Mercury program, the Gemini program, the Apollo program, countless unmanned programs like explorer, voyager, and surveyor, I know that that the end of one program is not the end of America’s efforts in space.