Oregon was the first state to allow doctor assisted suicide, “euthanasia”.
Back when it was up for public vote the “Christians” and Conservatives were blabbing much of the same lies.
“The Elderly would be encouraged to end their expensive treatments””Oregon would be known as the death state””Everyone who gets depressed will force a Doctor, by law, to help them commit suicide”.
That was 10years ago folks and it was all
Since 1999 less than 100 people have had Doctors help them end their pain painlessly. Many of them were cancer patients with no hope of recovery. Three Doctors have to agree they have less than 6 months to live and that current medical technology can’t reasonably be expected to cure them and they must meet with a psychologist.
Anyone who thinks that we Americans will stand by while our Parents are denied health care is a frickin RETARD. There is a Granny living in the White House, do you really think she is going to support someone who is trying to kill her? Do you really think the Michelle Obama is going to let the President kill her mother?
The idiocy of this whole right wing argument is simply amazing. No wonder us Americans are losing economically to the rest of the world. In a nut shell we are a nation of 300 million and a good 50% are so stupid they can’t think for themselves and are currently being told what to think by a fat drugged out Entertainer named Rush Limbaugh.
Suddenly the Right Wing is worried about “government taking away our rights” but when the biggest government take over of our rights occurred, THE PATRIOT ACT, they called anyone who objected a terrorist sympathizer.