Upack – used it twice. Once from San Diego to DC, once from SD to san diego.
U pack up your home, hire professional movers to move your packed things into the truck, then when it arrives hire another set of movers to unload it into your home. A trailer is dropped off, you have a 24 hours to load it and you put a barrier in (lockable) the trailer. The freight company fills the rest of the truck with freight going to the major city near your destination (keeping cost down).
I didnt have any problems in two trips with the exception of one wood piece getting scratched. That was the movers/ packers fault as they are supposed to know how to pack a truck. Therefore, scrub reviews of movers that specialize in weight management packing.
I recommend them and using emovers to find recommended help.
Upack ran me about 3K each trip (so yours should be substantially cheaper).