I was a reluctant Facebook joiner. (I totally could not get into MySpace with the way everyone would jack up their page with graphics and music and you couldn’t even read anything.) But tons of people I knew were on Facebook and it got to the point where I pretty much had to join if I ever wanted to see pics of them, their new baby, some event, a vacation, etc. I was tired of saying, “I want to see some pictures”, and hearing, “oh they are on my FB page.” Ugh.
So I joined last year. And now I’m one of those people who say, “oh those pics are on my FB page”, LOL! Hey, it’s one stop shopping for some things. I can upload pics and videos and I don’t have to keep track of people’s email addresses or maintain email groups or clog my sent box/their inbox or tell them to visit some link where they may have to register, blah blah blah. I upload pics and videos and they can check them out when/if they want to. There has also been the perk of reconnecting with some high school, college, family, or old work friends. I have actually face to face met up with 3 old friends since joining FB.
Yes, there are some odd TMI FB people out there who constantly update their status from their computer and/or their phone (um, why? Did you actually stop doing that thing you were in the middle of doing to update your FB status?) and do all of those lame quizzes or are totally addicted to Mafia Wars. But you don’t HAVE TO use FB like that. I would never broadcast in my status that I was going on vacation, or took the whole fam to some event, etc. Nor would I ever bad mouth my company or friends or family on it. It’s a tool that can be used different ways and I personally have reaped some positive benefits from it. Seeing some pics of the popular kids from high school who have turned out to be losers…priceless.