“Universal” health care plans have been running in many rich western countries for decades, and while there are no perfect systems, and cost pressures build up there as well, the satisfaction level to date is generally high, much higher than in the US. While at the same time the costs of these systems are way lower than anything the US has been able to come up with. So why the extensive talk, why does the US need to re-invent the wheel? Just look around and pick a tried and true system, like Norway, France, Germany. They’re all cheaper and they all function better. And if you don’t believe that, ask yourself why none of these countries is presently involved in exasperating talks about their systems.
So why does Washington try to invent the wheel? The answer is easy. The difference between US and Western European health care lies exclusively in the political power acquired by corporate industries, in this case -mainly- a combination of drug manufacturers (closely linked to the chemical industry) and insurance companies (which are in turn closely linked to Wall Street banks). The US needs to fabricate its own system because it needs to satisfy the perverted influence industry has on not just health care itself, but also on the political process.
US health care spending is over 15% of GDP, and within 10 years it will be 20% (there’s your bubble). That means today’s dollar total is about $2.2 trillion (that’s Britain’s entire GDP), and we’re on our way to $3 trillion. If the US would adopt a Western European system, it might save 50% of these costs. And a few very powerful corporations would lose $1 trillion per year in revenues. That’s all you need to know about the reason why there will be no significant reform. Sick people are big business. And big business runs the nation.[/quote]