After reading all about Goldman Sachs, I question the suffering. Sure, if you’re a teller and got laid off, you’re suffering. If you invested in bank stocks, as an individuals or cities, whatever, etc, you’re suffering. But unless a bank closed it’s doors like Lehman, and went under, I imagine that it hasn’t happened b/c of taxpayer assistance. But maybe I’m completely misinterpreting where the bailout money went.
From Kelly’s story, it doesn’t appear that loan mods are rampant. Banks are not foreclosing on all NODs and selling to public. I’m sorry. I’m not seeing suffering in relation to the vast amount of outrageous loans that have occurred. There is no lesson that will be learned. In fact, the opposite. People have learned that if they fuck up, help will be there for them. I say for the most part, generally. There are always the exceptions.