[quote=drboom]”Normal” or not, it’s up to you whether you can stomach the terms. I can’t think of any good reason to compress the contingency period if the escrow is the usual 30 days, so see if they will negotiate.
In my case (short sale closing tomorrow–am I a bad Pigg?), the seller’s bank didn’t want to do termite inspection or home warranty. My agent picked up the inspection and we are splitting the warranty cost.
The bank was also fairly emphatic about the closing date (30 day escrow, but not willing to do an extension for any reason), but there weren’t any other unusual terms to the deal.
They picked services, naturally, and I think I got overcharged by a few hundred bucks by the escrow company–OTOH, the escrow guys said short sales are a PITA and claimed to have earned the $1k fee.