What did people say on this board back in March ?
I’m pretty sure there were few suggesting to buy stocks.
There weren’t that many, I floated a plan on March 5th, got more voting against it than for it. There are a couple of stock minded folks here but not many, we are mostly dart throwers (with a couple of exceptions, chris, stan, etc.). Here’s the March 5th plan in all it’s glory, read who’s predictions were right and who predicted we’d be eating spam by now.
and a little update how much money I’d have today if I hadn’t listened to the advice of bloggers and expert authors.
HOG 8.33 to 16.79 1k= 2,015
GE 7.06 to 11.76 1k= 1,665
F 1.70 to 5.78 1k= 3,400
HOV .58 to 2.45 1k= 4,224
COST 38.98 to 46.20 1k= 1,185
MO 15.72 to 16.50 1k= 1,049
6k invested March 6th would be worth over 13k today, I could have recouped my initial investment and just played with house money from here on out. Will there be another pullback, I hope so, but I fear Eugene has a point, I may have missed the best buying opportunity in recent times.
My advice, do your own research, trust your gut, turn off your targeting computer and use the force Luke.
It’s a damn good thing these same bloggers saved me 300k on my house or I’d be really pissed.