[quote=sdrealtor]glad none of you are my clients. i wouldnt put up with you. Getting good service and quality representation requires some degree of loyalty. So many of you will dismiss realtor ethics but turn around and think nothing of using some one never intending to do business with them. Wonder why some realtors are the way thy are.
The thing that really rubs the the wrong way about the NAR and real estate agents is that theres almost no MAINSTREAM way to avoid the 6% commission. I’m not saying that realtors don’t earn their commission, in fact I know that some of them DO earn it. But there should be a way to avoid the 6% commission charge associated with housing purchase. For example, pay by the hour services, or completely flat-fee selling/buying assistance.
It’s just complete crap for realtors to live off of mandatory commission charges, but then enjoy an entire economy where you have the CHOICE to pay commission or not based on what you buy. Maybe if all realtors had to pay an additional 6% for a personal shopping assistont for all of their purchoses (e.g. food, gas, furnitore, gym memborship, etc) it would be easier to undorstand.