My situation is quite simple – I have bought and held onto 3 coastal properties and have amassed a large net worth as a result (and also due to buying and holding onto my stock purchases). It has worked for me. Period.
Powayseller, why do you insist on antagonizing me and jabbering that I will be “sorely disappointed” with my investment strategy, which over a 24 year span has worked tremendously for me? I’m not looking for an “answer to riches” because my strategy has achieved that goal.
Your prognostications, be they your own or merely cut-and-pasted from others’ opinions, are nothing more than outright guesses as to the nature and extent of future market movements. Your recent “guess” that there would be no Fall rally in the stock market, which put you in cash, was terribly off. You really do need to be right on these types of calls if you want your crystal ball opinions to be taken seriously.