Lindi, just to clarify, I’m not convinced that free trade is a good thing. If we had kept free trade in check, and not allowed so many imports, we would have higher inflation, but we’d also have kept more of our manufacturing base and better jobs in this country. Maybe we’d be able to produce as much as we consume. I don’t understand why free trade is a good thing. I’d like someone to explain to me how we are better off today than in 1980. Maybe I’m even against trading with lower wage countries. They exploit their labor and environment to make things cheaper, and I think we just should boycott products made in that fashion.
Anyway, so we really have fair, free trade? When we give handouts to our farmers, we are not engaging in free trade at all, because we give our farmers a competitive advantage over Africa’s farmers. China doesn’t care about violating copyright laws, so where is the free trade when they just copy our music, hardware, drugs?