I remember during Gulf War I, there was a protest against the war in Washington, DC. There was an attractive co-ed holding a sign that said “No Blood for Oil”. When the interviewer asked where she was from, she replied, “Michigan”. When asked how she got to DC from Michigan, she replied, “I drove”. I damn near fell off the couch, I was laughing so hard. Oh, the irony. Lost on her, of course, the way it’s lost on Breezie.[/quote]
I saw this once. It was at an anti-war rally for the current Iraq war. There were alot of people leading a chant about “NO Blood for OIL” and other catchy sloagans durring college. They started ringing their keys along with the chant to help create and keep a beat. Well, I was walking from class to my house, cause it wasnt more than a mile or two and it was a nice spring day. I ended up following a girl from the protest to the parking lot cause that was the fastest way for me to go too. (Ie I wasnt following her). Anyways she hops into her Fatty SUV (Excersion??? I forget) and drives off. Clueless that she was in anyway part of the problem. Infact, Ill bet she felt that she was part of the solution.