[quote=flu]It’s useful to have a spare pc handy…in my case, I have 8 active: 3 pc desktops, 3 laptops, 1 mini-pc for travel, and 1 newly acquired mac. Yes, I know, I’m probably king of geekdom…and am not counting all the other relics sitting in my garage collecting dust, including an Apple IIe, Mac SE/30, IIx, IIsi, 286, 386, for some of you older folks.And everything still runs. Really, I have a purpose for each one. Really I do…
flu – if you ever decide you no longer need some of the older working pc’s… you might consider donating it to your local (or not so local) elementary school. I know San Diego Unified doesn’t have the budget to put computers in every classroom – so my sister, a teacher, is always telling me and my other nerdly friends to give our old PC’s to her school. They don’t have to be all that powerful… they can be apple or windows… most teachers have educational software in both flavors… and will gladly use any donated pc’s.