Why are you looking at Johnson Elementary? San Diego Unified web site says unequivocally it’s Encanto Elementary. API rank 2, 80% Hispanic, 14% black, 2% white. Did you get some sort of assurance from the district that your kids will always be allowed to option into Johnson? Middle school is rank 3, high school is brand new and there’s no rank yet – but the demographics is not encouraging.
Crime wise, the IMMEDIATE area is relatively safe. just not too pleasing for the eye and there won’t be many lawyers or other professionals of any kind in the neighborhood.
[quote]The architecture is refreshing to see, we need more homes like this in SD. I doubt if it would be permitted these days.[/quote]
It’s a recent remodel. 20 yrs old at most. “The project is a remodel of an existing 700 sq. ft. residence with a 1200 sq. ft. addition;” “inspired by the tetris” (lol) (or did they mean Tardis?)