I dont do drugs anymore – sampled many in college but why not legalize all drugs that are naturally grown plants on this earth and make anything concocted in a lab illegal?
So by this above theory, bud is legal, shrooms are legal, peyote is legal.. I am sure I am missing something?
Cocaine, heroin, meth, X etc etc etc – illegal.
Look at it differently – which are addictive? Is pot addictive? That could be argued either way. Is peyote addictive? Are shrooms addictive? Coke is highly addictive, so is heroin, so is meth. X can be from what I know.
Addictive drugs are the reason for most of the drug problems and technically the legal addictions are a problem as well (Alcohol, tobacco, porn etc etc). I dont want Alcohol banned, specifically wine and microbrews but alcohol is a bigger issue than bud.