As such, you sort of have to figure out which is what you want. If you really want convenience and a bigger home, you’re going to pay for it in the north part of CV.[/quote]
I think you made a very accurate and concise description of the CV house market! You really hit the nail on the head.
[quote=flu]Not to mention, you got that nagging 200-300/month HOA payment you normally wouldn’t have if you purchased a 1800sqft-2000sqft home without HOA. At some given price points, it might be a wash. [/quote]
But more of the SFH may have MeloRoos instead of higher HOAs…
You got me thinking ,flu… maybe I will be better off a little further – in PQ or CMR for example with a larger, SFH. I kind of like to have more space…Though I liked the CV shopping center a lot…you don’t have such a thing in PQ; CMR does, on the other hand, though not quite as nice and varied.
…Plus, townhomes don’t hold their value as well as SFH…they fluctuate more…