[quote]His main goal was to make as much short-term profit for himself as possible by shafting depositors/taxpayers. On the other side of the deal you have some clueless moron house buyer who is just looking for as low of an initial payment as he can get along with a low-to-minimal down payment.[/quote]
You’re describing water that went under the bridge years ago.
Yes, I wouldn’t quibble with calling loans during the insanity of years past “two jokers playing with other people’s money”.
All that being said, if you were one of those “jokers” today, what would you do? I don’t know about you but I would try to think ahead rather than cast blame at what happened in the past.
If I felt the climate was right to modify my loan, I would be all over it in a nanosecond. I would gladly take the credit score hit for a chance to significantly improve my balance sheet.