I’ve read the TARP money has gone to some 120 banks/companies, but no list was given. Apparently some fund managers are creating TARP indexes to monitor the companies. Here’s some info.
The joke of the first half was that there were no lending provisions in it for banks, so they’re basically all hoarding the taxpayer handouts.
You could force banks to offer home loans/refi’s at 0% and it still won’t fix things. It would actually end up putting more banks out of business.
You force cramdowns through judges on banks – assuming a judge sides with a borrower who didn’t lie on their income, can still prove they make enough wants to stay in their house despite owing more than it’s worth – but then what?
Now you force banks to lose more money on old loans, who can only make it up on new loans, but now you’re forcing artificially low rates on those too.
Sorry, but it won’t work. It may help a few individuals, but do you honestly think congress cares more about individual homeowners or banks?
How much did the $300 Billion Hope for Homeowners help? How about the first $350 Billion of TARP? You think the 2nd will be any better? And how about Obama’s $900 Billion stimulus?
Our Government is more concerned about keeping banks in business than the lip service they give on foreclosures.
They live and operate in a world where money doesn’t matter so it’s easy to throw around ideas like bailing out banks and re-structuring loans so people continue to pay whatever they can but that doesn’t solve the problem that got us here, which is home prices got too high in the first place.