Thanks folks for the kind words. I wasn’t really looking for sympathy or such, and I’m doing alright, really. I was merely trying to point out for some folks that either got axed or getting axed that in the grand scheme of things, it’s really not a big deal. Somewhere, someone is up a creek worse than you. And by all means, I’m not the one on the bottom of doom and gloom either. Got a good family and good kid. Anyway, shit happens, oh well. Next item.
Plan for the worst, hope for the best…I’ve always done that….So, worst case is the entire world crumbles around me, and anything better than that is icing on the cake.
Heck, if I move to canada, at least medicine is socialized there…Oh and wait, I get to claim disability from CA (I hope I don’t get another IOU). And by all means, though I was totally appalled by Obama’s “tax on rich”, the bright side is if I sit on my ass long enough, I won’t have to worry about that either. I think I’ll let everyone else bail me out this time. Next step would be to shop up to the hospital and say I’m uninsured…Just kidding, just kidding…..