[quote=Russell]I am not an assassin, If the shoe doesn’t fit don’t wear it. From what I see and hear, it fits a lot of people. It should be a worthy topic of discussion even if it isn’t perfectly accurate.
My contribution is not kill or be killed. I don’t think we can move on to collaboration and unity while we tolerate status quo foriegn policy and the whole bunch of socially codified behaviors that enforce tolerance for it.Especially when a major successful component of the war making ruling class is to conquer and divide us, which is working. We don’t stand up for other people in the world in light of what our goverment, surrounded by the good people of a Christian God and a million flags, does to them. We shop, worry, fret, buy,and hope this recession isn’t too tough and that Jesus loves us.We vote for the person who we think will make that easier and don’t really give a damn about too much else. We deserve the government we have for tolerating what they do to others . Anyway nobody will respond to my posts for a while,I’ve broken the rules, I guess that’s gonna hurt a bit.
I was not aiming that “kill or be killed” statement at you, Russ.
I agree with you, the government is a reflection/manifestation of our combined energies.
I am saying though, to have what we want means we must stop looking outside of ourselves, our homes, our cities, our states, our countries. We must each of us tend to our own internal issues that keep us separate from one another.
Again, just spouting off to the group, Russ, not aiming at you.