Our billing cycle resets the 16th of every month, so we agreed (wife and I) to start Feb 16th and really go over the top to cut down on as much as possible for 1 month to see what happens (just the easy things, I’m not going to start off by adding extra insulation between the exterior walls and the master bedroom).
shutting off lights, unplugging TVs that aren’t used, unplugging chargers, turn off computer and monitors, all the “easy” stuff.
depending on the outcome we may just go back to old ways if it doesn’t save that much, or go to next phase (whatever that means I don’t know yet)
It’s not the money per se, but more the principal of not wanting to waste it, and perhaps being more environmentally responsible in some small way. (I tried hypermiling my 2004 yukon for a full tank once and it only made mileage about 1-2 mpg more, which only saves me about $1-2 for every 100 miles I drive, hardly worth the extra effort)
Okay, now I’m expecting smart-a$$ comments about driving a yukon (kid, dogs and boat, so necessary), the big house (not necessary but my choice), and now a boat (haven’t used in over a year).