George Bush’s speaking capabilities? An article I read in 2000 before the election on Washintonpost said that W likely had a sort of learning disability that incumbered his linguistic development. It used many examples and made a lot of sense to me. Although his own speeches were an abundant source of jokes, I don’t quite use it against him that much — after all, others with learning disabilities who’ve overcome that challenges have achieved a great amount. But with W, the problem is that he really didn’t do much with his problems. Instead, his family connections got him into the best educational institutions, but he came out schooled but not educated, and he developed a distaste for anything intellectual (probably due to his own shortcomings). His family connections also got him out of troubles again and again. These experiences made him as arrogant as he is, there is no consequences to what he did wrong, so now whatever he believes, it is.
I don’t think that his speaking capabilities reflect entirely his intelligence. His early recognition of Karl Rove, for example, is a form of intelligence. But his intelligence (more people and politics oriented) coupled with his ignorance (which his learning disability contributed) and arrogance made him the worst president in my mind — he could get into the office, but everything he does is disaster.