It’s a well documented fact that the Neo-Cons(Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc..) think tank Project New Century America wrote Rebuilding America’s Defenses. They stated a dire need to oust Hussein an occupy Iraq for global dominance as well as need for a in their words, “catalyzing event such as a new Pearl harbor”, so that the populace would accept an invasion. This was back in 1999.
Also, during Cheney’s tenure at Halliburton stated that due to the oil constraints of the world there was a DIRE need to get into the middle east because, in his words, “is where the ultimate prize lies”.
The first thing Cheney did when he entered office was hold his secretive ‘Energy Task Force” meetings. Most of what was discussed in these meetings are considered a matter of national security but before he could get the supreme court to validate that it was an issue of national security a group using the freedom of information act (FOIA) obtained a few documents from the meetings. They were maps of Iraqi oil fields and infrastructure.
Also, it is a well documented fact the world is at peak oil, which is when the maximum amount of oil can be extracted on a daily basis. This introduces a whole host of economic problems without ample alternatives. In about 5 years or less 90% of the exportable oil will be in the ME or caspian basin. Actually probably sooner because Mexico’s Canterall field is depleting so fast.
Given these well documented facts do you really think the administration was distraught over the psychologic pretext that rallied the people into Iraq? The following is a transcript of the August 6, 2001, presidential daily briefing entitled Bin Laden determined to strike in US. Parts of the original document were not made public by the White House for security reasons.
It’s interesting that you mention Palin. She stated that it was “Gods will” that we are in Iraq. Also during that speech she stated it was Gods will that a pipline be finished in Alaska. God sure does like oil doesn’t he.