I listened to Cavuto interviewing one of these guys from this group while working out, and just could not stop laughing. They really have great stand up material. One of his comments was that we only look at things after the fact, huh? Do these guys actually get paid to declare a recession one full year after they claim it started? The average recession has barely lasted longer than that. Then they will tell us a year after the turn that things turned a year ago, Seinfield can’t outdo these guys. They claim that things do not become clear until after several months go by, that is incredibly funny to me. Who in this blog did not realize we had an economic slowdown happening a year ago while it was unfolding?
This slowdown is going to clear out all the BS like this and that will be good even though alot of people are not going to survive it financially. Things have gotten so out of hand and this symbolizes it to me. We are now paying eggheads to tell us what happened a year ago! What the hell good is that? For those who invest according to what “experts” say itleast it has become clear that they have no edge in investing whatsoever and should be for the most part “faded.” ( trading terminology for taking the opposite bet ) This is also one of the main reasons gold will not stage this huge rally, everyone on earth is waiting for it. Fortunately, we have these guys who can come in and tell us a year from now what happened to Gold tomorrow!
To his credit Cavuto did kind of make fun of this guy.