uhhhh, ask? “So (insert daughters namer here), I have noticed that you seem troubled, is anything wrong?”
I mean comeon here. If your teenage daughter cant go to you with one of the most troubling events any teenager could ever have to deal with, do we really want a doctors note/call outa nowhere to be the notice? This law was defeated for teen protection from the terrible parents. The “honor killing” types who see no problem ‘regaining their honor’ by all the unhonorable means possible. No one wants teenage abortions, no one wants dead babies murdered by moms to scared to admit they are pregnant. And no one wants to put themselves between you and your kids.
But no one wants to find out that “instert female name here” died last week cause an irate parent “regained their honor” or that “insert male name here” got met with a 12gage rebuke from soon to be grandpa. These things happen, and this law would increase the incidences of this. Or perhaps most common/troubling of all, the “insert name” died after she decided to take a punch of pills to try to kill the fetus, or used a coat hanger incorrectly for the same purpose.
Id take my daughter (nope, no kids for me yet) going to a trusted and regulated health professional without my knowledge any day over the alternatives. [/quote]
There was really no need to indicate that you don’t have children, it was obvious be the rest of the post.
By age two kids are hiding things from their parents. They will shit their pants and if you ask them if they are poopy they will tell you “no”.
It definitely can get worse as they near adolescence. Also, from what I remember as a teen, there were plenty of things my parents didn’t know about what me and my siblings did (or at least that’s what I thought).