There was really no need to indicate that you don’t have children, it was obvious be the rest of the post.
By age two kids are hiding things from their parents. They will shit their pants and if you ask them if they are poopy they will tell you “no”.
It definitely can get worse as they near adolescence. Also, from what I remember as a teen, there were plenty of things my parents didn’t know about what me and my siblings did (or at least that’s what I thought).
Ahh, yes, the lets not address anything important in the post and rather attack a moot point about “you obviously dont know anything”. Good one, you sure got me.
I went back before posting and included that part about not having kids especially for this. Youd rather talk about poopy pants from a two year old or totally elective surgery for the totally vain than address the point that some teenagers face death or atleast extream physical or emotional violence from the passage of prop 4.
I have two baby neices. Id step in front of a bullet for either of them. I have spent vacations taking care of them sick, I was there when they were born. And yes, I have been there when I watched one break her sisters toy, and then tell me she didnt do it, with the toy at her feet. I am not their father, (their father is my only brother) but I am their uncle and it isnt hard to project them into this situtation or me into his (as their father). In either case, I would want them to talk to someone. Their parents, my parents, Me, My sister-in-laws parents, a counciler at school, a doctor, a teacher. Someone they feel that they can go to with a problem and get help. But I am not stupid enough to think that there are no broken homes out there. No children who cannot turn to their parents for anything but abuse and neglect. No teens who will make a mistake, and then compound it out of fear to the point that that mistake costs them their lives. Id much rather find out that my neice had an abortion without her family knowing then go home to a funeral. And yes, in all to many cases, that could be the outcome.
But apparently the fact I have not chosen to procrate yet makes this all moot.