[quote=Kilohana][quote=luchabee]Urbanrealtor: You missed the point.
The point has never been “real jobs” (like a teacher versus an engineer), but jobs that create other jobs for poor people like me . . . For example, people who start businesses.
Again, some of hardcore liberals are big fans of regulating and taxing businesses at every opportunity.
As I mentioned to my brother-in-law, these far left-wing types will never give him a job, never hire people, never pay business taxes, etc., so he might want to think twice about jumping in bed with them politically (unless he can get a nice government job as an accountant). I know it’s a radical thought. [/quote]
Your premise seems to be that liberals don’t start small businesses.
I suppose you should post some data to support, considering that 52% of the voting population now qualifies as “liberal” by your standards.
I haven’t personally been employed by scary liberals, but my spouse and I do own several small businesses and have dozens of employees. Their response to the original thread question would be “yes.”
Realizing the plural of ‘anecdote’ is not ‘data’ – I thought I might contribute anyway.[/quote]
Well, I guess you wouldn’t take it on faith that we have a liberal media and liberal university system (I would)?
There are some things that are pretty self-evident, but I understand the request for data over anecdote.
Again, these are generalizations (and as generalized as the rural Republican comments).
Also, I couldn’t find any business school studies, etc. about political identification and business startups after one minute of searching on google, but I did find this:
Small Business Owners Back McCain, Believe Republican Party Holds the Key to Solving Issues Important to Small Businesses
Which party do you think is better for small business?