The government can’t give away freebies to those who were stupid. The moral hazard is too great.
If they think the number of people who are not paying is substantial now, wait until the people who are scraping by (but still current) say f’ it…
I have no doubt that if they bail out people with no strings, they will just cause more of what they are trying to prevent.
Just like when Hawaii tried state-wide socialized medicine. They said they did not account for the fact that everyone was going to drop their health insurance – they thought that people who could afford their premiums would decide to keep their current plans. Duh, everyone will act in their own self interest. If I don’t have to pay for health insurance, I won’t, even if I have the ability to pay.
If I don’t have to pay my mortgage, as the gov will bail me out, then I won’t. I think the gov realizes they have to be very careful how and who they bailout – and the terms under which they do it.