I tend to agree that the world truly loves/respects Obama. I’ve been reading the European press (specially the Eastern one), daily, and the feedback is amaizing. The American emmbasies even went as far as having parties with fake/playfull elections to see who would win…..one TV channel has Obama with over 70% of the party votes.
The impact of the US presidency affects directly the new EU allies because of Russia’s influence and change of direction. The TV news (Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania etc) starts with US news translated and followed as soon as they are released……the same holds true for newspapers.
I believe the world is ready for anything other than Bush, and even big ticket republicans acknowledge this idea vis-a-vis the US’s international reputation (e.g. if you noticed Donald Trump’s interview on Fox news last night……I’m not crazy about his ideas, but his Bush caracterization was dead on).
Moreover, when was the last time countries what we call extreme countries were actually celebrated the US president (e.g. Indonesia,)
However, the euphoria will soon end, and Obama has a tough road ahead. The markets already reflect the reality with 2 consecutive days deep in the red…..In conclusion, if anything positive came from this election is (1) US’s image around the world is improving rapidly, and (2)based on the info I read, he is a super sharp president (we’ll see the results of his action later).