The gay community has an agenda, and this agenda would have resulted in gay marriage being taught in public schools as well as relgious people/institutions being persecuted.
Of course they have an agenda: to be treated equally under the law.
Prop 8 is about denying civil rights and equality under the law. Prop 8 has NOTHING to do with schools teaching or not teaching anything about gay marriage. That was a dishonest scare tactic used by the Prop proponents. Also, Prop 8 has NOTHING to do with religious freedom. If your church doesn’t want to celebrate gay weddings, then nothing would have changed by rejectin Prop 8.
Prop 8 is about equality under the law and not having second class citizens. The schools or churches arguments were 100% falacious and scare tactics.
If you voted YES on Prop 8 there is no way you are a libertarian. Overturning Prop 8 would have not forced schools nor churches to do anything differently. Restricting the rights of consenting adults to live their lives as they see fit and to have equal rights is the complete opposite of libertarianism.