My GF and I make combined around $250,000. We will be hit by Obama hard. Are we “rich” living here in San Diego? Certainly not.
Yes, you are. If you make a combined 250,000 a year you are rich. I don’t care how long it took to get there or how hard you worked. You may not have a private jet, but you are still rich. If you honestly don’t think so then you live in a very tiny bubble.[/quote]
Ahh yes…like the small business owner who for 5+ years threw every dollar his business made, back into his business. Now he finally is able to take money out of the business to pay himself, after years of making nothing and good old Obama punishes him.
As it relates to me, imagine if both my GF and I had school loans for both our undergrad and graduate degrees. That would easily total $300,000 to $400,000. The payment on those school loans alone would tap a significant portion of take home. Add in housing costs, insurance costs for the family, schooling etc. etc. etc. Sorry but in San Diego $250k is not a definition of rich. Yes we are successful, yes we don’t have to worry how to pay our bills. But dammit I worked my ass off for it. I took a chance. I struggled making $1500/month when I got out of school. And I have a real fundamental problem with the government taking my money and giving it to someone else just because they are “less fortunate”. If I want to help someone less forutnate I will (and do) donate money to one of the many charitable associations out there.