And so now we’ve come full circle again. The government is going to bend over backwards and do somersaults to bail out banks, FB and whoever stands in line, so I repeat again, if you can’t beat them, join them. If they are going to take my taxpaying dollars to bail people out, but make it harder for me to buy, well, then I’ll just get a condo w/an FHA 3% down and then default and get bailed out too.
What can they do? So my credit gets a little tarnished. They’re not going to take the house. It is clear that is a last resort and they don’t want to do it. They’ll let you live in it for a year and still negotiate w/you. It’s like Monty Hall and “Let’s make a Deal.”
It’s like a car salesman’s pitch, “What can I do to get you in that car today?” What can we do to keep you in the house.