The system is rigged, folks. If you don’t know that by now, then you have some homework to do. Economists and politicians that are TRAINED EXPERTS in their fields had no idea that this was coming? Common! We need more government regulation of the markets? Are you serious?
The worst outcome of this quagmire is that free-market capitalism, I mean TRUE, free-market capitalism, ends up being the scapegoat. If you think that what we have seen over the past half century has been free-market capitalism, then there’s some work to be done here.
There will NEVER be free-market capitalism when BAILOUTS are a common end result, nay, the ultimate goal, of our flawed system!
In math, this would be like saying that 3-4=-1, unless 4 is too big to fail. If 4 is too big to fail, the end result will be +1…and the taxpayers will have to make up the difference for the other 2.
Take away the bailouts and the safety nets and you will start to see the markets act like they should…like there are actual consequences for people’s actions and that they will be held accountable.